Sunday, January 30, 2011

January 2011 in Review

No I am not going to talk about the current political climate, the riots in Egypt or even the postseason Football games. I figure if you want to know any of that stuff you will watch CNN or FoxNews which ever you prefer. I also figure if you know me at all you know I have liberal tendencies, feel sad for the women and children in Egypt and really sad football is almost over until August. So why rehash all that. I am of course going to talk about myself, after all why would I have a blog named A Girl Named Michael if I wanted to talk about that other stuff.

So far in January 2011 I have completed the following things:
  1. I lost 12 lbs. It was actually rather easy to do. I ate healthier, keep drinking green drinks and started exercising again. No telling if it will last but for now....GO ME.
  2. I read 6 books and I am about to finish 7 and 8. This is not that big of a deal there have been times when I read this many in a week but I had been in a reading funk and I am glad it seems to be over.
  3. The BF and I had our 1st date a year ago on 1/8/2010. This is a big deal in my world. If I make it past the 6 months mark its miracle. So a year of dating is pretty freaking good for me.
  4. I started 7 new posts to my blog that I did not finish. I need to work on that. I am planning on deleting them all and starting February fresh. But I started them so that's a point for me.
  5. I finally got organized at work....mostly!!! I cleaned out my desk drawers, filed a bunch of paperwork and archived 2010s files. If you saw the state of my desk before this you would wonder how I got anything done. And to be honest I wasn't getting as much done as I wanted.
  6. I am taking 4 online classes through my library. They are Feng Shei, Chakaras, Meditation and Aromatherapy.

January is a horrible month for me. Its depressing, there is no sun (and even I need sunlight occasionally), and there is nothing fun to look forward to doing. Usually I am depressed and in a funk all month long and to be honest I was in a funk for 20 of the 30 days so far. (I am thinking positive about day 31). So looking back I suppose the 10 days I wasn't in a foul, bitter mood I got a lot done. Onward to February!!!


  1. Your library offers online classes?! That rocks. And, all of this arctic January gray has had me in the doldrums too. Bring on February.

  2. Way to go! Sounds like you have had a great month. I'm trying to be more healthy too. Ice cream, navajo fry bread, and hot chocolate tonight aren't helping. I can't help but wonder if you are running out of reading material yet. Send any good (clean) ones my way. Good luck tomorrow.

  3. Rebecca Brigham City Library does and you can even earn CEUs

    Sandi what do you mean by "clean". Is it like my mom that doesnt want violence, sex and swearing cause those are my favorite parts. lol


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