Whatever the reason here is my list for the first week + 1 day of November.
- Day 1: I am thankful for The Savior who gives me strength when I am weak and hope when I am in despair. Through Him all things are possible.
- Day 2: I am thankful my parents. The biological, the steps and the honorary ones they have taught me some bad, some good and some very bizarre things. I love them all.
- Day 3: I am thankful for The BF, with him I can be weird, a little or a lot crazy, often lazy, and he rarely complains about my half finished projects.
- Day 4: I am thankful for indoor plumbing. I know its shallow but it makes live so much easier and comfortable.
- Day 5: I am thankful for my sisters. With them I can laugh over nothing, fight over everything and occasionally share shoes!
- Day 6: I am thankful for a job that allows me to help people and make a difference in my corner of the world.
- Day 7: I am thankful for the 'Pseudo" step-kids. They keep me on my toes and laughing.
- Day 8: I am thankful for Bram Stocker, with out him there would be no Dracula, no Interview with a Vampire, no I Am Legend, no The Strain and no Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter. Happy 165th Birthday Bram!!!!