Friday, June 10, 2011

A Moment of Reflection

Today I realized that my blog is almost a year old. This has caused me to be a bit reflective of the last year and I started reading over my old post and asked myself what would I notice if I was new to A Girl Named Michael besides some glaring typos (will some please email me the typos so I can correct the).

First if I was just to pick some posts at random I might think the author was schizophrenic. Actually if I was to start at the beginning and read them in order I would still think that....I bounce all over the place.

I blog often about my sisters making me cry (they are mean), experimenting on me (did I mention they are mean) or just in general bothering me (seriously they are mean). My life was more pleasant the 18 months that I was an only child.

I have blogged about my insecuritiesThe BF, my mom and my step-parents. I have never blogged about my dad, I find that weird. I need to talk to him about that. I hope I have not hurt his feelings. Maybe I will call him...wait he won't answer. I'll send him a text, he wont answer that either. Now I know why!!!!!

I have blogged about my graceful nature, pictures I have taken, and the bizarre things that I think about late at night and while driving.

What does this all mean??? I have no idea I am not a therapist or psychologist. But if you are one please explain it to me or leave me your number so I can make an appointment.  I am starting to think therapy would be a good idea for me.

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