Here are is a list of a few of my favorite posts. I am not sure why I thought you would want to read a list of my favorite post.
It will some in handy for whom (is that the correct use of whom I can never remember) ever finally decides to have me committed to that room with the padded walls.
Hello - My very first post...I really want to rewrite to sound cleaver and witty.
Call Me Grace - The first post about my unique ability to hurt myself.
Hickory Dickory..OMG its a Mouse - The one thing I am terrified off and why.
Deer: Innocent Animals or Homegrown Terrorist Organization? - Satirical commentary on deer.
I Performed the Heimlich Maneuver on a Dog!!! - True story the title says it all.
Men Say The Dumbest Things!!! - I love The BF but I cant believe the things he says.
I Think My Boyfriend is Cheating on Me!!! - True story but highly exaggerated.
Wicked Step-Dad and Evil Step-Monster - Ode to my step-parents.
You Buy the Condoms, No You Buy the Condoms - A conversation between The BF and I.
And the Sex is... - Observations about sex (my mom is so proud)
Dating Your Friends Ex-Husband - How I ended up dating my friends ex-husband.
Boys Named Mike - A reminder that boys are named Michael also.
And the Sex was... - More observations about sex.
I Will Show You a Hand Gesture - A little road rage never hurt anyone.
Am I Drowning or is This a Zombie Attack? - I had a dream and it was weird.
Damn that Grace or A Day in The Life of Me: Part 1 - A bizarre day where I was determined to hurt myself.
I am Not Being Dramatic, I am Sick: Part 1 - The saga of my appendix bursting.
Damn that Gravy is Good - My sister feed my parents gravy for dinner...seriously.
I Am Not Inviting You to my Cocktail Party - A conversation between me and my "Healthy Nut Sister".
You Saw Me and You Asked Me About It - I was having a bad day.
How to Become a Victim Advocate...Part 1 - How a microbiology student became a Victim Advocate.
Believe It or Not - I broke my wrist, only I was surprised.
She's Having a Baby...Maybe - Do I or don't I want a baby.
I Have a Timing Belt? - My car nightmare.
8th or 12th Grade Words? - A conversation with my 9 year old niece.
He Said No She Said - More mature conversations between The BF and me.
In Memory to My Grandma Ellen - Tribute to my Grandma.
I'm to Old for this Shi** - I am no longer a spring chicken.
How Do You Know Its Fall? - Beautiful fall pictures.
Yes Mom I Will Shoot You in the Head - I agreed to shoot my mom under the right circumstances.
Do I Make You Want to Puke? - My response to a negative comment.
Honey I Think You Should Get a Vasectomy - More conversations with The BF.
Fire + Me = Bad - Another example of why I should not be allowed in the kitchen.
Admitting You Have a Problems is the First Step - The beginning of my weight loss/ healthy Life journey.
I'm Sorry, So Sorry - I received an apology.
Sex & Cars: What Else is There to Talk About - Conversation topics with my mom and The BF.